Upgrading Your Operating System

As you continue your Ascension process you may literally get downloads that allow you to mentally, emotionally, and physically see, understand, and know your entire body as an empty multi-dimensional interface while you begin operating on a higher level with enlightened ET’s, Angels, and many other types of multi-dimensional beings normally. You may begin to […]

Activating and Utilizing Your Inner Fire

The element of fire is probably one of the most important levels of energy to integrate in the body when practicing inner alchemy. The flame is the bioluminescent, unified source of light that ignites the body into activation on a higher dimensional level. When used positively the flame can completely incinerate all negative energy within […]

How to Supercharge Your DNA Activation

When you hear about DNA activation you might think about receiving a lightning bolt of cosmic energy from the heavens to electricute your entire body into bliss. Although this very possible on a multidimensional level all DNA activation begins with the self, through compassionate love of the self. Love for the self and love for […]

Gaining Control Over the Mind

In our day-to-day lives we have things to do, places to be, responsibilities to take care of and then between all of this activity we end up assigning ourselves minor distractions to enjoy ourselves and pass the time. Though they can be entertaining, after a while of living through these habitual patterns it is possible […]

Modulating Your Frequency

As multi-dimensional beings it is important to learn how to modulate your own frequency so while in any everyday situation you are strong enough to totally block and deflect the negative, invasive and lower energy of others who may be around you. If you’re looking to progress your energetic resilience and coherence while inhabiting a […]

Sustaining the Human Energy Field

The energy field is a field of light that surrounds your body and is made of energy coherent to your thoughts, emotions and patterns of activity. There are multiple layers of energy to your individual field including your auric field which constitutes the energy resonating through to each of your chakras. What you are doing, […]