Lions Gate 888

Right now Lion’s Gate is at its peak. Every year on the 8th of August, the stars of Orion’s Belt align over the pyramids of Egypt to open a stargate directly into the Center of the Galaxy. What makes this Lion’s Gate special is that it is a rare ‘888’ Lions Gate in Numerology when […]

2024 Year of the Dragon

Happy New Year! This year in Chinese Astrology is the Year of the Dragon. The Dragon represents strength, wisdom, charisma, intelligence and leadership. Dragons are very powerful beings and have deep roots in mythology that lead back to their actual existence here on the earth and in the cosmos. The Dragon is the most primordially evolutionized […]

12:12 Gateway

December is the 12th month of the year representing the end of the gregorian calendar. Furthermore it represents the last changes you can implent this year to lock in and give that final push towards your goals in your awakening in the year 2023. This month has a very eminent energy of unconditional love and […]

Lion’s Gate 2023

Lion’s Gate hits it’s peak on 8.8. The number 8 represents power of abundance in numerology. This month this energy is the abundance of heart energy. 2023 is year 7, the year of collective consciousness. To most adequately work with Lion’s Gate this year, you’ll want to focus on believing in yourself, and believing in others, […]