2025 The Year 9

We made it. 2025 is here. This year 2+0+2+5 = 9. The 9 in numerology represents the upward Spiral of Creation into unparalleled and unprecedented higher potential into a higher timeline for humanity. As Gaia is spiraling around the sun, the sun is spiraling upward around the center of the galaxy. We are spiraling upward […]

The Spirit of America

The Golden Age has arrived. Pluto has just transitioned into Aquarius and the last time this happened was in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Pluto represents, death – rebirth, or resurrection. Pluto also represents the end of a cycle. Our personal power is returning and we are becoming more independent and sovereign. […]

Lions Gate 888

Right now Lion’s Gate is at its peak. Every year on the 8th of August, the stars of Orion’s Belt align over the pyramids of Egypt to open a stargate directly into the Center of the Galaxy. What makes this Lion’s Gate special is that it is a rare ‘888’ Lions Gate in Numerology when […]

07.07 Sirius Stargate

Today is the Galactic Stargate day July 7th 2024, and on days like these there are always major alignments happening in the sky leading out into our galaxy. The star Sirius is aligning with galactic energy streaming from the Central Sun from the center of the galaxy down into the planet earth. The earth is […]

2024 Year of the Dragon

Happy New Year! This year in Chinese Astrology is the Year of the Dragon. The Dragon represents strength, wisdom, charisma, intelligence and leadership. Dragons are very powerful beings and have deep roots in mythology that lead back to their actual existence here on the earth and in the cosmos. The Dragon is the most primordially evolutionized […]

12:12 Gateway

December is the 12th month of the year representing the end of the gregorian calendar. Furthermore it represents the last changes you can implent this year to lock in and give that final push towards your goals in your awakening in the year 2023. This month has a very eminent energy of unconditional love and […]

Become One With Yourself on 11.11

Every year in November on the 11th day there is a stargate where synchronicity is at its highest. On this day the numbers align in a direct way to streamline your highest state of being immediately down to your current reality. The number one is a number that will show you how to arrive and […]

Controlling Your Senses

The good part about awakening is that the clearer you get the more you can sense. As you mature and get more refined in your awakening process, your day-to-day as an empath will change. You will start to feel more energy, on a much higher level, and you will pick up more energy on a […]

Why Duality Doesn’t Work

In the spiritual community there are false truths circulating about how there needs to be darkness in order for light to exist and how “light couldn’t exist without darkness” and how one couldn’t exist without the other. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Saying something like this is what a warmonger would say to […]

Keeping Your Aura Clear

In our day-to-day lives in this modern age where technology is running rampant, we need to dial our focus and learn to live from the inside out. The inside of ourselves is where we find our truth, and our most resonant and sacred state of being. If we truly find out who we are on […]