We made it. 2025 is here. This year 2+0+2+5 = 9. The 9 in numerology represents the upward Spiral of Creation into unparalleled and unprecedented higher potential into a higher timeline for humanity. As Gaia is spiraling around the sun, the sun is spiraling upward around the center of the galaxy. We are spiraling upward into a 9 shape. This infinite Galactic spiral is the spiral of evolution and coherence. As we move through the galaxy during this year you will see things happen on this planet that have not been happening for quite some time.
The 9 also represents no limit to creation. Last year was all about reclaiming our power. This year as the subsequent addition to that, the blocks have been unbounded, and we now get to create more for what is truly better for us, with no limit. During this time its important to check in with your energy and live from a space from within, internally. Be calm, be present, and reside inside yourself to harness and control all the power you generated from last year, into this year.
This year is the year of the Serpent. The Snake is a primordial essence of creation. It represents Eternal life and Ancient wisdom. Just like the Dragon, you can find serpent-like patterns etched in the patterns of creation and reality. The snake represents healing and transformation. Snakes are able to shed layers of protection of what does not work for them and move into something new. They are easily able to sense their surroundings through taste and smell. They also represent groundedness and being able to move quickly through any situation.
You will see the serpent celebrated in various areas across the Spiritual Realm. Most famously we know them as Kundalini serpent energy. Although this energy is not directly a snake, this energy represents primordial flow of life energy that moves as a flow of a river of life, that can etherically take a form of a snake. We see this form in nature in the formation of the leylines as the Earth’s Kundalini serpent.
The number 9 is a force of self-renewal, and a desire for change. By allowing the spiral of creation energy to flow within you, you may find yourself on the other end of a transformation. However you will want to set time aside to engage this energy in meditation to align yourself with where you want to go.
They say that your ability to handle your own serpent energy is what makes you a Master. If it is very difficult for you to control the intense flow of your own energy when triggers begin to influence your energy field then there is work to be done.
The number 9 is also an awareness of integrity. Both in the self and in the collective. That was made painfully clear globally last year with many veils being drawn up and unseen things being exposed. There will be more of the same this year, as more unseen things will be shown to the world about negative things that have been going on for far too long.
This year is also about speaking your truth. Show up and embody yourself as the actualized version of yourself and communicate in a truthful way. Speak from the core of who you are and don’t lie to yourself. This subtle shift in integrity will allow you to hear more of your inner voice, and more of what is going on inside of you in the inner realms, as well as in the Spiritual Realms.
This is your year!!!